26 Uses for the Z-Vibe from A to Z
3rd Jun 2018
A little ARK Trivia: How did we come up with the name for the Z-Vibe? Is it:
A. Because Debbie’s maiden name starts with Z
B. Because the Z-Vibe does everything from A to Z
C. Because it goes Zzzzzzzz
D. All of the above

The answer is C, that's how we came up with the name :)
But, it also happens that B is true, too.
You can use the Z-Vibe to work on everything from oral defensiveness to biting and chewing skills to articulation and much more. Click on any of the links below to learn more about Z-Vibe exercises for each one.
D Drooling
K Keeping the tongue retracted
L Lollipop oral motor exercises
M Moving the tongue from side to side
N Needing to chew on non-food items
Q Quickening the acceptance of different food textures
R Requiring the tongue to work independently from the jaw
S Strengthening and stabilizing the jaw
U Using tactile cues and oral stimulation
W “Waking up" the mouth and decreasing oral sensitivities
X Xploring new textures and sensations
Z Zeroing in on specific areas of the mouth