Debbie's Blog
Transitioning off of / Replacing the Binkie or Pacifier
2nd Jun 2017
Question: I just bought your brick chewie for my son, who chews up all his clothing! But I'm wondering - I'm having a terrible time getting my 2 year old daughter to give up h
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Oral Motor Staples for Babies Who Have Down Syndrome
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 10th May 2017
Question: Hello! About 1 week ago my husband and I got a confirmed diagnosis of Down syndrome for our upcoming baby girl. I want to help my little flower as much as possible and s
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When Kids Think Feeding Utensils Are Food
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 14th Apr 2017
Question: I work with a child who has Down Syndrome. She is 16 months old. She presents with open mouth posture and tongue thrusting not during feeding. Mom purchased a Z-vibe and I saw your art
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Chewelry for Girls
5th Apr 2017
All of our chews are used by both boys and girls. They come in a
variety of shapes and colors for lots of different interests. But for anyone looking for traditionally "girly gi
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Feeding Therapy - Moving Beyond Food Prep
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 24th Mar 2017
Question: I am working with a 7 year old girl in feeding therapy who is refusing to open her lips and just purses. She has been involved heavily in food preparation which she enjoys doing and s
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