
Debbie's Blog

Do Chew Tools Increase the Need to Chew?

Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 21st May 2016

Question:  My son has ADHD and Anxiety, he spends a lot of time chewing/sucking on clothes, plastic, and other non- edible items. Would your chewies encourage this sensory seeking behavior or … read more

Sensory Benefits of Heavy Work Activities

14th Dec 2015

Heavy work activities are any type of action that pushes or pulls against the body.  This could be tension created by something pushing/pulling against your body (like swimming where  … read more

Why Does My Older Child Chew on Everything?

Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 29th Nov 2015

Question:  My 9 year old chews on everything... erasers, foam rubber, shirt collars.    He has always had an oral fixation since he was a toddler, putting toys in his mouth and … read more